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  • Chu, G.Q., Sun, Q., Wang, X.H., Liu, M.M., Lin, Y., Xie, M. M., Shang, W.Y., Liu, J.Q.. Seasonal temperature variability during the past 1600 years recorded in historical documents and varved lake sediment profiles from northeastern China. The Holocene, 2012, 22(7), 785-792. [PDF]
  • Duan, W.H., Cai, B.G., Tan, M., Liu, H., Zhang, Y.. The growth mechanism of the aragonitic stalagmite laminae from Yunnan Xianren Cave, SW China revealed by cave monitoring. Boreas, 2012, 41, 113-123. [PDF]
  • Ge, J.Y., Guo, Z.T., Zhan, T., Yao, Z.Q., Deng, C.L., Oldfield, F.. Magnetostratigraphy of the Xihe loesssoil sequence and implication for late Neogene deformation of the West Qinling Mountains. Geophysical Journal International, 2012, 189, 1399-1408. [PDF]
  • Guo, Z.F., Wilson, M.. The Himalayan leucogranites: Constraints on the nature of their crustal source region and geodynamic setting. Gondwana Research, 2012, 22, 360-376. [PDF]
  • Guo, Z.T., Zhou, X., Wu, H.B.. Glacialinterglacial water cycle, global monsoon and atmospheric methane changes. Climate Dynamics, 2012, 39, 1073-1092. [PDF]
  • Hao, Q.Z., Wang, L., Oldfield, F., Peng, S.Z., Qin, L., Song, Y., Xu, B., Qiao, Y.S., Bloemendal, J., Guo, Z.T.. Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400,000-year minima in insolation variability. Nature, 2012, 490, 393-396. [PDF]
  • Hao, Q.Z., Oldfield, F., Bloemendal, J., Guo, Z.T.. Hysteresis and thermomagnetic properties of particle-sized fractions from loess and palaeosol samples spanning 22 Myr of accumulation on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Journal International, 2012, 191, 64-77. [PDF]
  • Huang, L.P., Wu, N.Q., Gu, Z.Y., Chen, X.Y.. Variability of snail growing season at the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last 75 ka. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57 (9), 1036-1045. [PDF]
  • Liu, W.M., Sun, J.M.. High-resolution anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility record in the central Chinese Loess Platuea and its paleoenvironment implications. Science China Earth Sciences, 2012, 55 (3), 488-494. [PDF]
  • Ma, Z.B., Cheng, H., Tan, M., Edwards, R.L., Li, H.C., You, C.F., Duan, W.H., Wang, X., Kelly, M.J.. Timing and structure of the Younger Dryas event in northern China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2012, 41, 83-93. [PDF]
  • Qin, X.G., Liu, J.Q., Jia, H.J., Lu, H.Y., Xia, X.C., Zhou, L.P., Mu, G.J., Xu, Q.H., Jiao, Y.X.. New evidence of agricultural activity and environmental change associated with the ancient Loulan kingdom, China, around 1500 years ago. The Holocene, 2012, 22(1), 53-61. [PDF]
  • Sun, J.M., Lu, T.Y., Zhang, Z.Q., Wang, X., Liu, W.G.. Stepwise expansions of C4 biomass and enhanced seasonal precipitation and regional aridity during the Quaternary on the southern Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2012, 34, 57-65. [PDF]
  • Tang, Z.H., Huang, B.C., Dong, X.X., Ji, J.L., Ding, Z.L.. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the Jingou River section: Implications for late Cenozoic uplift of the Tian Shan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2012, 13(1), 1-15. [PDF]
  • Wang, X., Ding, Z.L., Peng, P.A.. Changes in fire regimes on the Chinese Loess Plateau since the last glacial maximum and implications for linkages to paleoclimate and past human activity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 315-316, 61-74. [PDF]
  • Wang, L., Li, J.J., Lu, H.Y., Gu, Z.Y., Rioual, P., Hao, Q.Z., Mackay, A.W., Jiang, W.Y., Cai, B.G., Xu, B., Han, J.T., Chu, G.Q.. The East Asian winter monsoon over the last 15,000 years: Its links to high-latitudes and tropical climate systems and complex correlation to the summer monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2012, 32, 131-142. [PDF]
  • Wang, L., Rioual, P., Panizzo, V.N., Lu, H.Y., Gu, Z.Y., Chu, G.Q., Yang, D.G., Han, J.T., Liu, J.Q., Mackay, A.W.. A 1000-yr record of environmental change in NE China indicated by diatom assemblages from maar lake Erlongwan. Quaternary Research, 2012, 78, 24-34. [PDF]
  • Xiao, J.L., Chang, Z.G., Fan, J.W., Zhou, L., Zhai, D.Y., Wen, R.L., Qin, X.G.. The link between grain-size components and depositional processes in a modern clastic lake. Sedimentology, 2012, 59, 1050-1062. [PDF]
  • Xie, J., Yang, S.L., Ding, Z.L.. Methods and application of using detrital zircons to trace the provenance of loess. Science China Earth Sciences, 2012, 55 (11), 1837-1846. [PDF]
  • Xu, B., Gu, Z.Y., Wang, C.Y., Hao, Q.Z., Han, J.T., Liu, Q., Wang, L., Lu, Y.W.. Carbon isotopic evidence for the associations of decreasing atmospheric CO2 level with the FrasnianFamennian mass extinction. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012, 117, G01032. [PDF]
  • Yang, S.L., Ding, Z.L., Wang, X., Tang, Z.H., Gu, Z.Y.. Negative δ18Oδ13C relationship of pedogenic carbonate from northern China indicates a strong response of C3/C4 biomass to the seasonality of Asian monsoon precipitation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 317-318, 32-40. [PDF]
  • Yang, X.P., Li, H.W., Conacher, A.. Large-scale controls on the development of sand seas in northern China. Quaternary International, 2012, 250, 74-83. [PDF]
  • Yu, Y.Y., Guo, Z.T., Wu, H.B., Finke, P.A.. Reconstructing prehistoric land use change from archeological data: Validation and application of a new model in Yiluo valley, northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2012, 156, 99-107. [PDF]
  • Zhang, J.P., Lu, H.Y., Gu, W.F., Wu, N.Q., Zhou, K.S., Hu, Y.Y., Xin, Y.J., Wang, C.. Early mixed farming of millet and rice 7800 years ago in the middle Yellow River region, China. Plos One, 2012, 7, e52146. [PDF]
  • Zhang, Y.T., Liu, J.Q., Meng, F.C.. Geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Tengchong, SW China: Relationship with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Island Arc, 2012, 21, 255-269. [PDF]
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